Monday, August 04, 2008

Rust Dyeing Fabric

I'm seeing a lot of buzz on several list and blogs about the latest and greatest method to dye fabric. It's called Rust Dyeing and if you want to find out more about it check out Bonnie Her latest monthly Vidcast features Lois Jarvis - "Rust Dyeing".

After watching Lois's tips and techniques I'm going to add it to my list of things I must try.


Rissa said...

My friend Rhonda (her blog is Art/Quilts and you can find a link on my page) is an expert rust-dyer and she teaches classes. I save all kinds of crazy rusted items for her to use. :-)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I *knew* I knew your name from someplace and it was bothering me after you left the comment on my blog earlier, so I had to google you to satisfy my brain!! Yours is a blog I had discovered a long time ago and somehow lost. Yippee, I found you again!! Can't wait to check out what you've been working on.