1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Here are some facts about me:
Not sure I can think of 7 things you guys don't already know but here goes.
1. I love to travel and have since I was little. My family use to pack up the station wagon and hook up the pop up trailer and head out some where every summer. I can still remember the beach vacations and one in particular where my sister and I fell asleep the first day at the pool and got the worst sunburn I ever had. We had to hang out in the camper for the next few days because we couldn't get back in the sun.
2. I also remember when I was a girl scout and we went on a few trips. Most of these trips were on school buses. When I look back now and think about it I'm glad I don't travel by school bus anymore!
3. I remember my first plane ride. It was a red eye flight from California to Louisville (we drove cross country) and I flew back. I remember looking out the window and thinking this is great! I think this shaped my career choice as I went ahead and got a job with an airline and got to fly for free! I no longer work for the airline but I sure got to travel a lot!
4. I'm a U of L college basketball fan. Back when I was younger I would travel with friends to games and tournaments. It was great fun and a great way to meet people.
5. I see a pattern developing with the last 4 memories. Let's see if I can come up with something else. I like snow! But only if I don't have to drive in it. Actually snow is not as bad to drive in as ice...and it seems like we get a lot of ice here.
6. I know you know this but I'll tell you this anyway. I love crazy quilting and all the stuff that goes with it. It can take over your house and life if you are not careful. I'm in the clean out mode right now and I'm very careful about what I bring into the house. I think I like the collecting of stuff as much as I like to quilt!
7. I keep trying to think of something weird to tell you but I just can't think of a thing! LOL ... I think of myself as being so 'normal' but I guess in reality normal to me is not normal to everyone else. So nothing comes to mind that fits the truly weird category. I'm about as normal as everyone else I guess.
I will not tag 7 more people because I see where almost everyone I read has already been tagged. So here is the deal ... if you are reading this and haven't been tagged yet then consider yourself tagged and tells us a little about yourself.
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