Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crazy Quilt Center Squares

Here are a few close up shots of quilt number two. Some really cool painted motifs can be found on this quilt.

There are hardly any embroidery motifs on this quilt. Seam treatments are the dominate embellishment, but I did spot these butterflies. They really blend in and are about the only motifs on the quilt.

Another hand painted flower motif.

This is one of the few prints found on the quilt. There is a crease across the middle of the piece and I wish they would take it down and try to fix it. If it were mine I'd fix this baby right up! I really like the white seam treatment on the top of this print.

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Kathy Raker said...

Love the painted designs and the stitches on the blocks. Gorgeous!

Susan said...

I'm in totaly agreement on both the wrinkle and the seam above the block. What pretty things you are sharing!

gocrazywithme said...

Those painted pansies are exquisite! Thanks for sharing these pictures of the antique quilts; get bored with them? Never!

kerrykatiecakes2 said...

Hi Karen - it is really interesting to see these painted motifs! What kind of fabric are they done on? I winder what type of paints were used?