Monday, July 14, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008 - set alarm to get up at 4:00 a.m. for my journey to Omaha! I was ready to go ... my bags were packed and my flights were showing on time. I headed out to the airport and caught the first leg of my flight to St. Louis. I met up with my roommate, Mary Anne, in St. Louis and we began catching up with each others lives from the past year.

This was my 9th trip to Omaha (out of 11 retreats) and one of the best parts of the retreats are the friends I have made! We arrived in Omaha around 10:00 a.m. and caught the shuttle to the hotel. We have been to the Doubletree Hotel many times before for the retreat and they really do their best to take care of us.

Since our room was not ready yet we hung around in the lobby for a little while, but we were soon in our rooms and unpacking our supplies for the weekend. Our bags were mostly CQ supplies with a few clothes thrown in!

On Thursday there are a couple of pre-retreat classes for those that arrive early. This year there was a Beginning Crazy Quilt class with Nancy Kirk and Rita Goff held the Beginning Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery class.

Our other roommate, Yvonne Streeter, arrived and we began our weekend with lots of chatting and show and tell. After registering for the retreat we checked out the display of quilts that Nancy arranged for us this year. One of them was the Piecemaker's 2009 Calendar quilt. What a treat to be able to see it in person! I had just received the calendar in the mail the day before I left for the retreat!

Thursday evening the first of many events was held. Chocolate and Chat is a chance to see all your old friends and meet some new ones. This year they also held show and tell at the same time and there was a lot to see. I have posted a few pictures of the event. The pictures below are not in any particular order but they will give you a look at what we did!

This is a close up shot of Martha Green's newest quilt. I knew I would be taking a class from her this weekend so I studied her quilt closely. This is one of the flowers she would be teaching us to make!

This is a picture of our class room as we all work hard to learn as much as we can from Martha!

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Susan said...

What great pictures. Martha's work is great, but I love that butterfly quilt! Whose is that? I hope you are going to show what you made in Martha's class.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

What a great time the new Texas group had in Omaha!! That morning you gifted us with buttons came in so handy in our pincushion class - none of us had thought to bring buttons, and yours have now been put to good use. Thanks for that kindness you displayed.

When we met, I was so excited to meet someone from Louisville because my daughter is indeed relocating to your city. Your kind offer of meeting with her and showing her around a bit is most appreciated. We will be contacting you very soon - as she needs to be moving in around the 10th of August, and I will be coming to help her.

Who knew...

We are ready to go back to Omaha. The kindness shown to us was incredible and our classes were lovely. Connie, Kathy and I are already planning fo next year.

Talk to you soon.

Deborah Woolley

Susan Elliott said...

Karen, thanks for all the details about the retreat. I've always wondered what goes on there! It seems like a LOF of fun. Maybe one year I'll get to go!

Anonymous said...

I almost registered for this retreat. Wish I was there. I hope you blog each day.

Lin Moon said...

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences on this trip. It looks like great fun and I love seeing the pix - hope I can go sometime.