Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's been a bit of a crazy week around here! First off my good friend Mary Anne sent me several tempting emails about how she was going to get to go to Omaha for the Crazy Quilt retreat after all. I have been checking out airfares for several months myself but they were just too high to justify a weekend trip.

Well her emails got to me so after another search I found a relatively low fare ... at least it was lower than it had been the past several months so I jumped on it and now I am going to Omaha! I'm really excited because I've always wanted to take a Martha Green class and now I get to! So ladies and gents I'll see you in Omaha!

I also found out after I purchased my ticket and checking my credit card statement that someone has been making charges I did not authorized. Oh how I hated to see that the other morning. So now my journey begins as I try to straighten out this mess!

I've canceled the card and now I'm trying to change over all my regular monthly charges to another card or pay by check for a while. LOL ... I haven't actually written a check in so long I'll had to stop and think about how to do it the other day!

One last item ... when I went shopping last week I found my great fabric supplier has risen their prices. I guess I'm not surprised since everything else has gone up but this means the price of my fabric packs will have to go up a little also. So be sure to check out "The Real Deal" sale I have going on right now ... it will end on the last day of June. If you were thinking you would like to try them now is the time to order! I've received some great comments the past three weeks from happy customers.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I'm SO glad you're BOOTH coming and I know ,mom will be too! After doing Nancy's quilt last year, I'll be glad to just relax and enjoy things this year. See you guys in a week and a half!